First an extensive note by the translator: Schneller=Faster. Toller=greater. Meier=a very common last name in Switzerland. And now you're slightly prepared for the pun of the author (but not really): There are faster bands, or greater ones, but I don't know any meiery ones. Actually, there aren't any greater ones either. All joking aside, it's fascinating how homogeneously everyone celebrates Schnellertollermeier. Galen would say: Their juices are in balance. Complexity is balancing groove; electronic fans recognise themselves in the song structures, which only seem repetitive - actually everything is in motion; rockers find themselves in the instrumentation and the outbursts; and the last jazzers living in the wild are absorbed in the unobtrusive virtuosity - the atmosphere set convinces everyone. A bit of everything, but not too much of anything - the balancing act that has become a band.
Text: Thomas Jenny
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